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Planning Ahead For Ventilation

Industrial The Workplace

Picture this scenario: It’s summer, it’s hot outside and the ventilation systems  in your shop are running on their last leg. This is problematic for two reasons.  One, ventilation systems circulate air containing potentially harmful chemicals   out of the area, replenishing the work environment with make-up air to keep indoor air safe for employees to breathe.  And two, ventilation systems also greatly contribute to the cooling of a workspace, helping workers avoid the likes of heat stress, while also helping them stay comfortable, improve their productivity and even improve their mood.

Needless to say, ventilation and exhaust  equipment in the workplace isn’t just important – but it’s important that it’s  working in tip-top shape, especially during the dog days of summer.

So just how do you ensure you’re not scrambling at the worst possible times to replace such vital equipment?  After all, if your ventilation equipment were to fail,  you’re putting your employees at risk of several workplace hazards.

The answer – it all starts with planning ahead. Preventative maintenance is crucial to nipping small problems in the bud now so they don’t become bigger, more expensive problems later.  Think about the reasons as to why you have tune ups, oil changes and inspections conducted on your car throughout the year – so your car stays running well and any problems can be easily caught before they become larger and more expensive ones.

But preventative maintenance is just one part of planning ahead.  Having replacement fans or additional fans on hand, to use when current ventilation isn’t sufficient or in the event of an equipment malfunction, is also an important part of being prepared. That’s because doing so will cost you a lot less in the long run than if you were to need one during the dog days of summer.  Such orders often take longer to fill, which means they take longer  to get to you and your facility – ultimately leading to an increase in cost and a decrease in shop productivity.

For more information about ventilation systems and to browse from a selection of different styles and varieties, contact Industrial Fans Direct today.

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