Evaporative air coolers and evaporative humidifiers offer both energy efficiency and energy savings to homeowners, business owners, and industrial operators. Here are some facts about evaporative cooling:
Evaporative air coolers work by adding humidity to the air. The moisture and air movement provided by evaporative cooling helps to remove heat, smoke, odors, and air pollution caused by dangerous chemicals and gases. Evaporative air coolers require only 25 percent of the energy required by a central air conditioning system. Evaporative coolers work to maintain air temperatures below 80 degrees F—a safe level for industrial or commercial workers. Evaporative cooling can be routed through an existing duct system. Ducted evaporative cooling can be used to provide optimum comfort at minimum cost.
Evaporative Cooling Is A Hidden Goldmine For Contractors
Even within the world of contracting there are still a few hidden markets that offer opportunities for incredible profit. Evaporative cooling is one such market that is rarely mentioned, especially as a solution for businesses.
The first thing to understand about the goldmine of evaporative cooling is why industrial evaporative cooling is essential to businesses. Poor air circulation, low humidity, and high temperatures can significantly impact the bottom line for any business, especially if that business is an industrial or commercial factory. One of these systems has the potential of saving a company thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.
When temperatures within a factory rise, production and efficiency begin to drop significantly. Quick and simple, evaporative cooling offers a cost-efficient solution that is extremely energy efficient.
This means that offering to install these types of systems for businesses becomes extremely easy. The systems themselves save the business as much as 75% compared to the conventional air conditioning systems. These systems also improve productivity
of employees by decreasing the temperature of the facility and increasing production and profits.
Evaporative Coolers Are The Perfect Cooling And Energy Conservation Solution
Contractors are considered experts in their field and homeowners turn to them for answers and cost-effective solutions for their comfort needs and home repairs. One solution that is unknown by many contractors and homeowners are evaporative coolers. Evaporative air coolers are the perfect solution for cooling a home, helping to maintain a comfortable and constant temperature, and save homeowners as much as 75% on their energy expenses.
The advantages that evaporative coolers offer don’t end with the fact that they only use ¼ of the energy required by the conventional air cooling
systems. In addition, evaporative air coolers complete a total change of air every 3 minutes which pushes heat out, removes stale air, pollution, smoke,
and odors.
One of the biggest advantages to home owners is in the effect these types of systems have on furniture. Maintaining a natural humidity level prolongs the
life of furniture.
Temperatures almost always remain below 80 degrees with an evaporative cooler. These systems are also cost efficient for any homeowner wanting to maintain a degree of comfort and save money on related expenses.