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Whole House Fans and Noise

The Home

Whole house fans are a great alternative to air conditioning. They can be used at night when air conditioners are turned off, or they can be used alone. Using a whole house air movement fan alone can cool effectively when temperatures reach 82 degrees F and below, and windows can stay open to let fresh air in. Rather than install expensive air conditioning units, use a more eco-friendly, cost-efficient ventilation design to keep homes cool.

Some people object to whole house fans because of the noise they create. Whole house fans can be noisy at times, but this is due primarily to faulty design, construction, or installation:

A good fan is a quiet fan, constructed to run without motor vibration or shutter rattle.
Fan size is important in reducing noise. A larger fan, running at a lower speed, will generate less noise than a small, fast-spinning fan. Larger fan blades move more air. The point? Bigger really is better when it comes to fans.
Along with size, weight can be an issue. A heavier fan will stay firmly in place with the force of its own weight.
Another factor in fan noise is insulation. Be sure your fan is installed with foam strips or rubber mounting to keep the fan from sending noise through the framework of the house.
High-quality shutters are heavier and prevent vanes from oscillating, opening, closing, then reopening.

Using a timer rather than a thermostat with a whole house fan will keep your fan from running when you aren’t prepared. Before running a fan, be sure to:

Open windows
Extinguish fire from the fireplace
Turn of heating or air conditioning units

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